Work Areas

The HI-AWARE programme consists of three inter-related Work Packages, which will be implemented at various scales in four study basins: the Indus, Upper Ganga, Gandaki and Teesta river basins and beyond.
- Work Package 1, or Generating Knowledge, consisting of five interlinked Research Components, is focused on knowledge generation on climate change impacts, the causes that lead to vulnerability, and adaptation practices and policies;
- Work Package 2, or Research into Use, will systematically promote the uptake of knowledge and adaptation practices at various scales by practitioners and policymakers, to reduce vulnerabilities of communities and build livelihood resilience; and
- Work Package 3, or Strengthening Expertise, will build the capacity of researchers, students, and science and policy stakeholder networks to do interdisciplinary research on climate change vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation.
Overview of HI-AWARE programme design
Through proper implementation of these work packages, HI-AWARE intends to bring about changes in the behaviors, attitudes, and practices of its key stakeholders in the way they conduct and use research, apply adaptation measures, and inform policies and decision-making to contribute to improved livelihoods of vulnerable groups in the region.